1話. #01 “Risk rarity 8”.
2話. #02 “Man is the superintendent”.
3話. #03 “Change the weapon”.
4話. #04 “Girl and violin”.
5話. #05 “U turn enemies”.
6話. #06 “Safety zone positive girl”.
7話. #07 “Fortune’s red string”.
8話. #08 “Girl between Lady”.
9話. #09 “Battle of the HOME”.
10話. #10 “P∴O∴W∴T∴”.
11話. #11 “U.S. witch hunt headline”.
12話. #12 “Counter assault”.
13話. #13 “A call at a student’s home”.
14話. #14 “Bridge monster chase”.
15話. #15 “Attack of dark horse”.
16話. #16 “Sports and fitness”.
17話. #17 “Beach flag 69t”.
18話. #18 “Rainy day,umbrella at home”.
19話. #19 “Automatic fortune”.
20話. #20 “Important data”.
21話. #21 “Line to the Underground”.
22話. #22 “Dead person”.
23話. #23 “He VS She,countdown”.
24話. #24 “Water hazard”.
25話. #25 “Death match 9000m”.
26話. #26 “Feaful cat,noisy girl”.
27話. #27 “Cut off vein of gold”.
28話. #28 “The girl anger control”.
29話. #29 “Light the fuse”.
30話. #30 “Memory keep,one day”.
31話. #31 “Catastrophe,8 VS 9”.
32話. #32 “10 VS 10,execution”.
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